The Foundation for Women's Empowerment online platform is a resource for documenting the importance of the women's rights movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where articles can be downloaded for free.


Welcome to the Foundation for Women’s Empowerment’s FEMINIST HUB, where you can find research materials and reports from Women’s Human Rights Organizations (WHROs) as well as feminist capacity building tools, and Women’s Empowerment Foundation’s publications.

Bulgarian fund for women

Study of the needs of the organizations working on women, girls and vulnerable groups’ rights in bulgaria

CURE Foundation

Publications of the CURE Foundation

Foundation TPO

Publications of the Foundation TPO


A Practitioner's Toolkit on
Women's Access to Justice Programming


Feminist Foreign Policy:
Stronger Action Needed to Resource
Feminist Movements
Mama Cash Policy Brief, November 2022


A feminist response to Russia's war in Ukraine (2023)

Policy Brief


How to women's
rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina?