The Foundation for Women’s Empowerment awards grants in an innovative, flexible and creative way. Through grants, we support the establishment of small, local women’s organizations, as well as existing women’s organizations. It also provides special funding that enables learning and networking, as well as celebrating the contributions and achievements of female human rights defenders.
Flexible general support enables women’s organizations and women’s groups to create innovative approaches in planning and implementing their activities.
According to the strategic plan for 2021-2024, the Foundation for Women’s Empowerment has decided to start with an experimental partnership phase in the form of general support, lasting two years, to women’s organizations and women’s groups, with whom we have constant cooperation, whose programs we consider to be worthy of sustainability and future development.
The Foundation for Women’s Empowerment has recognized that if one wants to provide resources to women’s organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is very important to invest in their growth and strengthening of their organizational capacities.
THE SPECIFIC FOCUS PROGRAM is dedicated to feminist activism in terms of DIGITAL SAFE PLACE, discussing why digitization is important, how it can also be an advocacy tool, how we can close the digital gap, and how we can use social media for positive change while at the same time staying safe and protected from digital violence against women and girls, especially safety defender of human rights and feminist activists.
We will continue to improve their protection through support such as how to analyze and manage risks; by establishing a psychological and digital safe place where they can meet, share their experiences and strategies; as well as providing financial support to human rights defenders and activists.
This program is focused on learning and exchange, communication and networking, and campaigns, which include financial support for activism projects of minority and marginalized groups of women related to women’s human rights and gender equality.
The Foundation for Women’s Empowerment is a fund with limited funds. Every year, more and more organizations apply for financial support, more than we can support. In 2022, we received 5 7 requests for support, of which we could only support 10 new grants.
In 2023, the fund for GENERAL support will be open from August 10 – September 10, 2023. For more information visit us grantmaking below.
The Foundation for Women’s Empowerment will accept one application per organization.
No. The Women’s Empowerment Foundation will only accept applications from women directors and board chairpersons.
YES. The Foundation for Women’s Empowerment accepts applications from organizations that have been registered for more than three years, that are focused on marginalized groups of women and girls, including women and girls with special needs, LBTQI+ women and girls, refugees and migrants, women with HIV/AIDS, young feminists and others who are exposed to marginalization.
YES. The Foundation for Women’s Empowerment can finance CSOs if they meet the criteria.
The Foundation for Women’s Empowerment does not fund for-profit organizations.
If your current grant ends before September 2023, you can submit an application.
YES, you can submit an application for any grant as long as you meet the criteria (women’s organization, fits the thematic criteria, etc.). You can send an application for any topic that has been financed by the Foundation so far.
The Foundation for Women’s Empowerment welcomes applications from more than one organization, as long as both organizations meet all the required criteria.
We can currently support organizations that have not had funding before.
The Women’s Empowerment Foundation will announce a new call for projects in September 2023.
The Women’s Empowerment Foundation receives an average of 50-60 applications each cycle. All applicant organizations that meet our demanding criteria and respond to our thematic priorities are scored. If organizations are considered eligible for financial support, they will be notified by September 15. 2023.